Monday, April 27, 2020

Voices of the Coast - Preface

It was on a lazy midsummer's eve, nestled in my office at the Royal Academy of Firlund, that I first gained the desire to leave the ivory tower and head into the bowels of the Coast. As I sat there devouring The Los Karkinos Letters in my leisure time, I was struck by the fact that, while our leaders and statesmen received copious attention in various academic circles, we seldom considered the other denizens of our vast land. What magnitude of perspectives were being restrained by the shackles of obscurity? How many stories were being lost to the mists of time? I was thus compelled to pack up my books, pull out my travelling boots, and leave the cloister of academia to walk directly amongst the voices of the Coast. I present to you the compilation of my travels, and humbly hope this work may provide a small window for the inquisitive reader into the various, multilayered perspectives that inhabit this land we all share.

-Dr. Arvis Trilf, Professor of Anthropology, Royal Academy of Firlund

This post is a new experiment I'm going to be trying out. I'll be using Quill, UNE, BOLD, and the setting of the Coast to create a narrative in an epistolary format, told from the perspective Dr. Arvis Trilf of the Royal Academy of Firlund, who will be doing research by uncovering letters and conducting interviews throughout the Coast. I will start out by creating a character and scenario using UNE, BOLD, and the Incunabuli setting to fill in context. Once the random character and story thread are created, I will begin writing up a letter from the characters perspective, detailing how they fulfill the task at hand. The letter writing will be scored using Quill rules to calculate points for each paragraph, with the final score being listed at bottom of the post in an out of character section. Finally, I will interpret the score for the letter as Dr. Trilf, writing the outcome of the scenario addressed in the letter, as well as any other interesting history, in the form of his analysis of the document. Depending on how I can hack the rules, I may see if I can expand this to an interview transcript format as well, if it goes on long enough, maybe by re-skinning some of the Quill stats.

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