Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Kingmaker's Cairn, Session 5

 In which the party...

  • Travels west from Oleg's to stumble into the bandit camp of the bandits who had been harassing Oleg.
  • Try to bargain with them, only to completely put their foot in their mouths as they accidentally say too much and reveal they were the ones who'd killed the bandits at Olegs.
  • Try to flee only to be corralled in by bandits who pile onto them.
  • Sybil the thief, Yslin the ranger, Cannora the elf, and Amiri the barbarian are slain by the cuts of many bandit blades.
  • The remaining party attempt to flee again - but run into a dead end of a sheer stony cliff leering down over some rapids.
  • Linzi the halfling and Jaethal the elf both fall in combat with the bandits as well, and Ethex takes the Ooze form to try and escape the bandits, which he barely manages falling into the waters below.
  • Ethex wakes up on the banks of a river miles from the bandit camp - only to come face to face with a raging wild boar.
  • Attempts to flee once more fail, and the boar gores Ethex, who - now out of spells having not rested - falls.
  • Thus the party is TPKed.
This session turned south quickly with multiple failed escape attempts and lost initiatives, along with stumbling into an encounter with a large group of bandits (and the lone survivor rolling a particularly brutal encounter with a wild boar). 

After consideration of whether I wanted to reset the session or events, I figured I'd rather be true to the dice and the party be laid to rest here. With my interest being pulled with other new settings and supplements, I'll consider this experiment complete for the moment with the possibility of returning to it in the future.

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