Sunday, September 22, 2024

Lonesome Wanderings, Session 65

 In which Badger...

  • Helps a clan of mountain dwarves return to their ancestral home from giants and gargoyles, and gains another ally in them.
  • Attends to pre-wedding events of King Ericall and Princess Christina Marie Alanira.
  • Escorts Christina one night for a walk at the King's command, when kidnappers arrive to take her - agents of Thyatis, Alphatia's rival empire.
  • Manages to escape with the princess by using his Spare the Dying Waters bracers and grabbing her and running, much to the king's relief.
  • Is faced in the dining hall one night - along with King Ericall and the rest of the Lords of his court, by the Black Avengers, a group of knights there to test the king's resolve by challenging 4 of his lords.
  • Avoids being one of the 4 lords chosen for the challenge, and watches as the Bear Tribe Shaman, Orik the lazy warrior, Longtooth the Thief, and Max the 1st - all of his rivals - are slain at the cost of only 2 Black Avengers, humiliating the king.
  • Offers to give it a shot, only for King Ericall - unable to stand more humiliation - forbid him from challenging the avengers, accepting defeat and retreating to his throne room to wallow.
  • Badger, risking the king's wrath, goads the remaining two avengers, much to the shock of the guests, and starts fighting them strategically.
  • Guides them to where the ale and wine are stored in the side of the dining hall, and secretly snakes the Rope of Climb upwards to wrap around a bar above.
  • Has the rope pull him up quickly and then lights a molotov he had on him, dropping it onto the pile of alcohol below causing a massive explosion as guests flee in terror, and the black avengers are consumed in flame - only to both remain standing, if much weakened, such was their strength.
  • Drops down and with some difficulty finally drops the two avengers - officially beating them, but by doing so disobeying the king and causing massive damage to his hall.
  • Is stripped of his rank of lord and exiled by the King, and sent from his wedding once the events of the night are determined.
  • Is called to the king's chambers secretly, and told that, despite disobeying the king, for putting down the Black Avengers, he will be granted one favor from the King.
  • As the wedding goes on, dreams of an oncoming war between Alphatia and Thyatis taking place in Norwald, and hears that some "crones" appeared in a vision in the wedding warning the king of the same.
  • Travels north to the reputed lair of the crones, and manages to sneak into their mountain cave.
  • Is attacked by the 3 crones, ancient mystic seers, as they each take a magic item - his Broach of Freedom, his Bag of Holding, and his Ring of Spell Turning.
  • Surrenders to the crones, who offer him a deal - 5 years as their servant and the magic items they stole, and they will protect him from the oncoming war and give protection to his Keep...he accepts. 
  • Serves the crones for 5 years as he sees his Keep and Ericall's lands and armies, tens of thousands strong, plunged into war, a pyrrhic victory for Alphatia over Thyatis, but with Ericall's armies crippled.
  • Is released from service in 5 years, returning to his Keep and Kebi, only to discover it has become the defacto palace and capital of King Ericall and his new vassal - Lord Tino, who over the last few years has grown the only army of any note in the land and serves as the real ruler with Ericall as his puppet keeping Alphatia proper off his back.
  • Manages to sneak into his Keep with the Rope of Climb and enter into Ericall and Christina's bedchambers, where the now hollowed out king is shocked to find his former vassal still alive.
  • Offers to let the King rule as a proper ruler and deal with Tino as well...if on the other side, he holds up his offer of a favor as he formerly note - the desperate king accepts.
  • Recruits the dwarven forces to attack Kebi and the Keep, attacking weak points and other known fallacies of the Keep and forcing Tino himself out into the open.
  • Reveals himself to Tino, and slays him in one on one combat, as the dwarves take control of the Keep. 
  • Gathering information from the locals discreetly, discovers that Tino was a beloved leader who had stabilized the keep and grown Kebi, and that the fact that the former errant and irresponsible lord Badger was back could foment a revolution in the population.
  • Decides that, since he lacked interest in ruling anyways, he would hand over the keep as promised to Ericall for him to deal with the mess, taking his favor - to meet the Empress of Alphatia herself, which Ericall gladly arranges, alongside re-ordaining him as a noble Lord.
  • Travels by ship to homeland Alphatia, across the seas to the East, where he witnesses the heart of an Empire run on magic.
  • Is escorted to the throne room of Empress Eriadna the Wise, and is given an audience, arranged by her son Ericall.
  • Requests the Empress to give him access to the Empire's archives and resources for future endeavors - which she rebukes, saying the offer of an audience was gift enough - why should she offer him more, few have even had the opportunity to meet the Empress herself.
  • Reveals to her of the dwarven "allies" supporting the king at the moment, and Barbarian "savages" surrounding the king's lands lead by Barkal the Red, and even an old red dragon lairing nearby that, while not guaranteed to win, could be a real thorn in Alphatia's side.
  • Is surprised that Eriadna is not angered but amused with a positive reaction by the gall of the man to come into her throne room and directly threaten her, as well as not wanting to deal with the headache that is her son's kingdom any longer after a long and costly war, let's Badger access the archives and do his research in the great archives of Alphatia.
  • Badger researches and learns the information he was searching for - about how to start down the paths to immortality!

Current Level: Badger 13

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