In which Badger...
- Travels to Duke Bronzo's city of Kasar to investigate one Gamesman.
- Runs into and avoids some pigfolk by siccing them onto the maiden with her tea bogeys, all of whom are in the city.
- Runs into one Alonzo and Vandini the Naga spy, who "recruit" Badger forcefully to investigate the Game, a death dungeon run by the Gamesman for the Duke.
- Along with Vandini sneaks into the Gamesman's lair before coming upon one large robot man who catches them sneaking around!
- Learns the Game is a ruse to kill "players" to build a zombie mining army for a rare mineral that kills regular humans.
- Tries to escape the robot man and his goons by shoving Vandini in their way to escape.
- Nonetheless gets caught and stripped of all possessions before being placed into the Game - alongside a bitter Vandini.
- Plays along with the game, facing a slot machine of death which releases some stinky spray, some items and coins, a large troll, and a mechanical serpent.
- Watches as Vandini dies to the troll before he turns the snake in the troll's direction to poison it.
- Hits the off button hidden on the snake, gathers his ill gotten loot, and leaves Vandini's corpse and the reforming troll before escaping to the next room.
- Falls down a pit into a room with lighted floor squares and fights Nega-Badger, the inverse of himself, down to his last health before beating the apparition.
- Heals himself with a healing potion and flees to the next room where he comes face to face with a gambler Card Shark.
- Luckily beats Card Shark after gaining some innate strength and arrives in a room with chutes filling rapidly with water.
- Breaks through one of the chutes with his newfound strengths and stumbles into the chamber of the Gamesman.
- Spins a roulette wheel in the Gamesman's chambers and wins some potions and his weight worth in gold before "winning" the Game and getting all his possessions back.
- Is escorted out of the Game by the Gamesman - who uses a magic device to erase his memory of the details of the Game.
- Gets captured by Alanzo, who ends up imprisoning him because he is unable to get by with the "amnesia" defense.
- Finally gets released once the Duke establishes relations with the Gamesman and learns about the game.
- Hightails it out of the city of Kasar back to the Keep to rest up and recuperate from the whole horrid ordeal.
Current Level: Badger 9
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