Saturday, September 30, 2023

Lonesome Wanderings, Session 47

I switch back to BFRPG this session, starting up with Badger at level 9 and Naira at level 2.

In which Badger and Naira...

  • Have double income this turn at the Keep with a bounty in harvest, as well as 4 more peasants moving into the Keep.
  • Have a new festival start up in the keep, the holiday Swinescape, which recounts Badger's tale of escaping Swinescombe and celebrates it with a large pot roast.
  • Travel to the magical-technical city of Beacon, filled with superpowered beings.
  • Encounter a giant red dragon attacking the city and the Portaleers, the city superheroes, attempting to fight it.
  • Save one of the Portaleers, Andante (Heart), from being thrown across town into a magitec bus using the rope of climb tied to light poles that bend and snap on impart.
  • Fight a copper dragon wyrmling terrorizing a city square.
  • Beat the copper dragon with various traps and shoving a potion of Mad Lamashtu down its gullet.
  • Cleave the copper dragon in half after it shrunk from the fickle magic of the potion of Mad Lamashtu.
  • Mourn Naira as she is slain in the copper dragon fight.
  • Discover a magitec transmitter controlling the copper dragon on its corpse, and destroy it.
  • Let the Portaleers know about the magitec transmitter, which is also present on the large red dragon.
  • Destroy the transmitter on the red dragon, who immediately calms down despite being a little groggy.
  • Learn the dragon's name is Carl once his mind clears and it helps clean up the mess made in the city.
  • Meet one Intellect, who asks him to report to the Portaleer HQ if possible.
  • Decide to head home to the Badger Keep to rest and heal up for now.
Current Level: Badger 9


  1. Hey, its been a while. I'm a fan to BFRPG with some adjustments. Holiday Swinescape has a nice ring to it; magic transmitters on Dragons sounds interesting. Curious why was it one intellect vs an intellect : )

    1. This is Sathu the Lizard Priest btw

    2. Oh hi! One Intellect is just a silly way I like to specify a character, the character was actually called the Intellect in the setting I was using (the Supers and Sorcery setting). For example, the previous comment was made by one Sathu the Lizard Priest. Just an idiosyncrasy.

      Glad you're still reading and enjoying it, things have gotten off the rails to definitely curious to see what you think of how things have developed.
