Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Lonesome Wanderings, Session 72

 In which Badger...

  • Travels to the village of Haver's Cliff and learns of the vanishing of one sorcerer Arlo, with a reward attached to his finding.
  • Investigates Arlo's residence to find evidence the sorcerer was dragged to a nearby cave.
  • Travels to the cave and finds torn clothing suggesting someone was dragged into there for some reason.
  • Runs into some slimes, which manage to dissolve his everburning torch before he manages to slay them.
  • Discovers some boots of levitation that he stores for selling back in town.
  • Runs into some strange electric lizards who guide him through the caves to a caved in entrance, not attacking.
  • He explores around and finds a strange laser trap and a dead end passage, before going back to clear out the cave in.
  • Enters a large cavern where an injured Arlo's magic essence is being feasted on by an electric lizard with a strange glowing gem lodged in its translucent throat, as the others lizards hiss at it - and a fight begins.
  • Manages to free Arlo before learning from the sorcerer that the strange gem had corrupted the lizard and that it needed to be removed for the creature to be saved.
  • Manages to dislodge the gem from the lizard's throat - but not before it saps the rest of Arlo's life force and he passes for one last attack.
  • Fends off the lizard and flees, leaving it to die gasping for air with its magic stone gone, as the other lizards close in to feast on it.
  • Gets back to town with no fanfare or reward given he was unable to save the sorcerer, but manages to sell off the boots of levitation and gem for serious profit before skipping town and heading back out on the road.

Current Level: Badger 13

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