Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Kingmaker's Cairn, Session 0

I've always wanted to try some of the giant adventure paths put out by Pathfinder. But the crunchy system and massive page counts always pushed me away. However, a while back I started playing the Pathfinder Kingmaker video game. A few hours in, and I thought to myself  - hey, I could play this as a solo adventure using a lighter system. So here's my attempt at exactly that: to play through Pathfinder Kingmaker using Cairn.

Nearly 700 pages...here goes nothing

To start out, I will be using Cairn with Hexcrawl in Cairn rules for hexcrawl structure and the Barrow Delver solo rules as an oracle. I'll add on tools as needed, but otherwise will be running Pathfinder Kingmaker as written. I will be using the 2e version of Kingmaker here since it has content based on the video game which I want to include.

My starting party is: Sybil Orthax, a thief; Yslin Breagle, a ranger; Cannora Malksmilk, an elf; and Ethex Burl, a magic user. As the adventure progresses new characters may be added or removed as needed. 

I'll skim through most of the background and in classic fashion, plunge straight into the adventure. Having played the initial parts of the video game will hopefully help jumpstart this, and following that the hexcrawl structure should hopefully help this move smoothly.


  1. Hey this is inspiring! I was hesitant to check out Pathfinder; the rules seem cool but overwhelming. Then I checked out some of the Lore and was blown away how unique it felt and honestly I only know a little; I also realized I only know bits and pieces from dnd 5e also like Forgotten Realms. It will be interesting how you present your solo sessions using a different system.

    Currently I seem to be happy to do worldbuilding and research. I am trying to find a way to create short stories for key characters in different factions but so many moving parts hehe. I am still tinkering with Obsidian, discovering random history as needed (if I look up economics or battle tactics); I have also discovered a few old stories about different obscure thinkers or mystics. I tried to get ChatGPT to explain where the information came from that Buddha and Moses were able to receive (not that there is an answer).

    Question: Do you post any other writing other places? You have inspired me to look into screenwriting and scriptwriting. I think using less words has a lot of advantages!!!

    1. Hey yeah, Pathfinder lore is really neat and definitely draws me too it. Also adventure paths of giant connected campaigns are very interesting to me.

      Let me know of you ever share your setting I'd be interested in giving it a look over. It sounds like its satisfyingly complicated.

      I don't really publish much elsewhere. I have a fair number of half finished ideas saved, but nothing beyond that. I also play in some online games where I've written session logs on occasion but most of those are in closed groups, this blog is most of what I write (publicly at least).

    2. Wow 2 sessions posted already; gonna check them out.

      Question: would you recommend using blogspot vs a website if you started today?

    3. I'd probably still use blogspot. It's worked alright for me so far, no need to fix what ain't broke.
