I switch back to BFRPG this session, starting up with Badger at level 9 and Naira at level 2.
In which Badger and Naira...
- Have double income this turn at the Keep with a bounty in harvest, as well as 4 more peasants moving into the Keep.
- Have a new festival start up in the keep, the holiday Swinescape, which recounts Badger's tale of escaping Swinescombe and celebrates it with a large pot roast.
- Travel to the magical-technical city of Beacon, filled with superpowered beings.
- Encounter a giant red dragon attacking the city and the Portaleers, the city superheroes, attempting to fight it.
- Save one of the Portaleers, Andante (Heart), from being thrown across town into a magitec bus using the rope of climb tied to light poles that bend and snap on impart.
- Fight a copper dragon wyrmling terrorizing a city square.
- Beat the copper dragon with various traps and shoving a potion of Mad Lamashtu down its gullet.
- Cleave the copper dragon in half after it shrunk from the fickle magic of the potion of Mad Lamashtu.
- Mourn Naira as she is slain in the copper dragon fight.
- Discover a magitec transmitter controlling the copper dragon on its corpse, and destroy it.
- Let the Portaleers know about the magitec transmitter, which is also present on the large red dragon.
- Destroy the transmitter on the red dragon, who immediately calms down despite being a little groggy.
- Learn the dragon's name is Carl once his mind clears and it helps clean up the mess made in the city.
- Meet one Intellect, who asks him to report to the Portaleer HQ if possible.
- Decide to head home to the Badger Keep to rest and heal up for now.
Current Level: Badger 9