In which Badger...
- Takes a break from adventuring and builds a keep a few miles from Kebi village, as Tara rests up in the village.
- Clears out much of the area surrounding the new keep.
- Dubs his new keep: "Keep of the Badger Lord".
- Builds the keep with a main center tower and four surrounding towers all guarded by thick stone walls.
- Spends over 130k gold on materials and labor to build the keep, all earned from his adventuring and stored in large crates in his room.
- Waits for 4 and a half months for the completion of the keep before taking residence in it
- Recruits 9 hopeful followers aiming to become renowned fighters themselves.
- Attracts 40 peasants across 10 families moving in around the new structure.
- Rules for a month where 1 peasant moves in, increasing the population of the keep to 41.
- Watches as a war breaks out between the Wicked City and Tian Xia - being a fan of neither, decides not to interfere and let it play out.
- Visits a dinner held by the Grand Duke of Karameikos.
- Gets a public shaming by one Lady Abrielle, who hazes him and demands he "dance" for the nobility.
- Escapes the humiliation by using the Rope of Climb pulling a curtain down as a distraction and running to a different area during the ensuing chaos.
- Meets one Baron Okerra, war hero and Karameikos military general who takes a liking to Badger, finding the self made lord better than a lot of the slovenly nobility who inherit their titles.
- Comes to an agreement to help out Baron Okerra to become war allies with Karameikos, at least as long as he is in charge of the military.
- Keep: Pop. 41, Followers - 9 L1 Fighters
Current Level: Badger 9, Tara 2
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