Friday, February 14, 2025

Generation Ship to Proxima B, Scene 1

Scene 1: Ryo Kasumi approaches D-Sec officer Calyra Okoro to help find information on the missing DEX cook.

Plot Beat: Modify your proposal. Learn someone's dark secret. Advance plot - the Disappearance of the Dex cook - Exposition 1. Node: Pending questions: Why is Destiny Sec kidnapping people?
Meet reaction: Act with motivation, high energy and engagement
Honesty check: They are obviously lying and trying to deceive

Calyra beckons the open chair in front of her, as Ryo sits down to discuss his request. After a brief bit of talk, he brings up that he's looking for some information on a certain DEX cook that has gone missing. The D-Sec officer's demeanor changes at the drop of a pin. She goes from all smiles to reciting a line, a bottled phrase she's clearly been paid to recite. 

There was more to this. This proved it. Ryo places his knuckle dusters on the table, and tells her it would be good for her to spill the beans, going to intimidate her.

Yes/No - Intimidation? No, I think not

She gives him a look, and stands up. "No, I think not." She leaves the credit chip on the table and goes to leave the bar, the raucous music playing as she shoves through the crowd. As she does, Ryo spots something, a small anatomical defect that could otherwise be ignored - bilateral polydactyly.  A marker of those who had special abilities. The type that D-Sec had been reputed to be kidnapping. Was this a possible victim, trained into becoming a D-Sec soldier?

Ryo gets up to follow her. He wasn't about to let this lead go to waste.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Generation Ship to Proxima b, Setup

I'll be starting a playthrough of the Plot Unfolding Machine (PUM) community event Generation Ship to Proxima b, that will be running from now to approximately July 2025. Anyone who stumbles upon this post, feel free to hop into the community Discord server and play along.

Generation Ship to Proxima b

I'll be using the PUM oracle using the Simple module, and the custom random tables provided by the PUM community for the solo side of things. For system, it will largely be based of ItO style rules, with modifications to account for the hard sci-fi setting.

Ryo Kasumi, Medic. L.O.S.T. Str 9, Dex 12, Wil 6. HP 3. Constant Body Vibrations: Calms user, creates unease in others. Equipment: Stun resistant arm guards (Armor 1), Carbon Weave gloves that enhance grip (Climb sheer surfaces), Carbon knuckle gloves with shock pads (d6+d6).

Backstory: A back alley, self taught medic working in the outer hull in Gabriel Gonzales's illegal hospital, to patch up other L.O.S.T. compatriots who don't get help elsewhere. But the recent loss of the community's primary DEX cook has crippled the community. As the situation heads to shit, Ryo feels compelled to act and find out what happened.

Inciting Incident:  [Play a triggering plot catalyst: Learn someone's dark secret] - Rogue Destiny Security officer Calyra Okoro is selling classified operations data to highest bidder. Perhaps meeting with her at her "information auction" could yield some results, in a shady outer hull gathering spot.

Starting Scene: In a distant pocket of the outer hull, along refuse littered pathways between sputtering wires and chugging exhaust, is a dingy little outfit where a couple of non descript metal doors lead into a smoke choked, raucous bar. As patrons guzzle drinks that swim with floating mold, a lady in glinting black metal of Destiny Sec uniform sits in a corner booth, sipping quietly at her drink. Ryo comes over, and drops a small cred chip onto the counter, sliding it towards her, as her eyes dart up to meet his...

And that's where I'll leave it to start out, seeing how this interaction goes.