In which Badger...
- Explores an old ruined keep in the wilds, which is largely infested by zombies.
- Flees from zombies, avoiding them while searching for treasures.
- Rescues one Rheddrian, a man trapped in a strange mirror shield in the keep, by exchanging places with him in the shield.
- Get's jostled around in the shield realm before being released once more after Rheddrian cracks the magic of the shield.
- Gains a favor from Rheddrian, who thanks him for freeing him before leaving to study the "modern world."
- Decides to trek up the sides of one cliff face to a long lost dungeon.
- Finds a tower at the base of the cliff face, and explores.
- Runs into a ghost in the tower, which attacks him and results in him losing constitution and aging by 11 years, going from 36 to 47 within an instant.
- Returns back to town, and learns the only way to restore his health and youth are through finding a cleric who can cast a restoration spell - which he learns that there are one of which in the town he is in.
- Returns back to the cliff face, trying to climb a set of stairs carved into its side up to the dungeon.
- Runs into a mountain lion, which gives him a serious scare as he nearly plummets to his death, but he manages to slay the creature.
- Decides the dungeon isn't worth it for the moment, his bones aching more than usual, and returns back to town to rest.
Current level: Badger 13